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Austria: Elections once again

Thursday 11 October 2012

All the versions of this article: [Deutsch] [English] [français]

You might know that there will be elections and once again you are more than invited to be a good citizen and put your X on a piece of paper.

Well, ...

Did anyone ever ask you to work from morning to evening ? To have to pay for food & clothes ? To pay rent ? To have cops and prisons to wait for you if you just take the stuff you need/want ?

... I guess not

Nowadays there’s a referendum here, politicians talking about direct democracy there, and all over the city there are boxes for your carefully chosen opinions/wishlist, but please don’t dare too much.

You can ask for a little bit more of this, a little bit less of that. It’s nothing but an illusion. With one goal : make you keep on walking, or should we say working. We don’t want to participate in this shit. We did not decide for it in the first place. They break our legs and we should say thank you if they offer us crutches. We want a world where people can decide for themselves - and not for others. Where we do not submit to (higher) authorities. Where our movements are not restricted by borders. Where we don’t have to bury our dreams and desires. Where we can start to associate with other individuals and help each other.

In other words : We want FREEDOM.

P.S. : We also hate basic democracy :p